We are a group of international volunteers, founded and lead by Ukrainians, that specializes in providing medical care, evacuations, humanitarian aid, and other support to civilians and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

We have created a unique project to bring NATO-standard medical care to the front line.

In partnership with organisations and in close coordination with government institutions RA provides solutions to aid victims of war.

Team members carry out evacuation missions, deliver aid and provide medevac to the wounded.

NGO RA operates according to the organisation's statute. Contact us to find out how we can work together.

The war with russia has now crossed the 500 day mark. With no air power the Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully counter attack and make gains along the frontlines at the greatest cost .

To maintain high morale the AFU needs constant support in munitions, vehicles, drones, optics , medical equipment and medical supplies.

RA works directly with battalion commanders and delivers to military personnel fighting at the zero line.

We go the extra mile and consult refugees after bringing them to safety. Many evacuees continue their journey abroad to find a new home or medical facility. Our team guides them on every step of the way.

If required we help civilians apply for medical treatment and rehabilitation programs with partner organisations.

A big part of our work is the delivery of medical supplies. We account for received aid and supply hospitals on demand.

Our fleet has ambulance vehicles and professional paramedics to transport the disabled and wounded.

Since January 2023 our team has evacuated 109 civilians in the Donetsk region, Ukraine.
How can I help?
We are a not for profit public organisation that helps victims of war reintegrate into society and improve their quality of life.

We help the people of Ukraine to defend the country's sovereignty. You can contribute to our cause by making a donation.

co-founder, coordinator Israel
Viktoria Czarkowska
Ilya Yegudin
co-founder, coordinator

Volodymyr Savchenko
co-founder, director

Mykola Bosyak

Robert Grady
Natalia Ivantsiv



Chief Medical Advisor
Phil H.
Let`s get in touch!

20B Ivana Franko St. suite 28

Kyiv, Ukraine, 01054
+38 (098) 044 1313

+38 (066) 108 3099

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